Monthly Archives: December 2015

The Pebble: Life, Love, Politics and Geezer Wisdom–is FREE Today!

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00065]Sixty insightful, poignant, humorous blog posts put together in an incredibly entertaining book by internationally renown blogger Mark Scheel. Check it out–it’s free in eBook on Amazon today!

Begun as a means of expanding potential readership for the novel-in-progress And Eve Said Yes, the blog The Pebble soon became one of the most-followed series on the online site Scriggler. An eclectic blend of different genres—reviews, humor, politics, current-event commentary, fiction, poetry, memoir, excerpts, opinion, short stories, satire—the series offered the reader a wide array of choice in taste and perspective. Virtually a little something for everyone as well as a fuller acquaintance with the author and his work. The Pebble: Life, Love, Politics and Geezer Wisdom is comprised of those online posts gathered together in one collection. Here the reader will meet some colorful characters such as the Wendy’s breakfast club with the Sage of Johnson County, Clarence D., holding forth on the state of the world. Or some poignant memories of rural America and its inhabitants following World War II. There’s award-winning poetry like the tribute to a father titled “Rain” and short stories that garnered popular acclaim including the indelibly brutal “The Snow Field.” Current events are also addressed such as the Ferguson shooting, Nazi protests, the gay life and the decline of religiosity in America, but all treated from a fresh point of view often at variance with the popular mainstream. Of course, politicians are not to be overlooked here, a favorite target always for the satirical barb. And for the aspiring writer, a good bit of advice and wisdom is there for the taking along the way. Educational as well as entertaining, The Pebble: Life, Love, Politics and Geezer Wisdom is an excellent choice for the bedside table or the beach.

Hazel Hart’s Latest Novel: Cordelia’s Journey

Cordelia’s Journey

HH Cordella's Journey Cover small

Kindle EBook is On Sale Now!

Kansas Territory, 1855

In this coming-of-age story, thirteen-year-old Cordelia endures her stepfather’s abuse until she learns her ailing mother is pregnant again. Fearing her mother will die in childbirth, she runs away, heading for Westport and her aunt, the only person who might be able to save her mother. She disguises herself as a boy and sets out on foot to make the 150-mile trip. Following the Kansas River, she hitches rides with a variety of travelers going east, facing setbacks along the way while learning lessons about the world and her place in it.

Cordelia’s Journey is the first book in the Pierce Family Saga, a series of historical novels that follow Cordelia and her family through the latter half of the nineteenth century.

Hazel’s Blog: