Author Archives: Gordon Kessler

One of America’s True Heroes

She looks so much like Jazzy Brass at that same age. Bretagne (Brittany) lived a long life for a Golden Retriever–nearly 17 years–but it was still too short for such a wonderful dog.

Bretagne: 9/11 Rescue Dog

Bretagne: 9/11 Rescue Dog

See the story here:


The Pebble: Life, Love, Politics and Geezer Wisdom–is FREE Today!

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00065]Sixty insightful, poignant, humorous blog posts put together in an incredibly entertaining book by internationally renown blogger Mark Scheel. Check it out–it’s free in eBook on Amazon today!

Begun as a means of expanding potential readership for the novel-in-progress And Eve Said Yes, the blog The Pebble soon became one of the most-followed series on the online site Scriggler. An eclectic blend of different genres—reviews, humor, politics, current-event commentary, fiction, poetry, memoir, excerpts, opinion, short stories, satire—the series offered the reader a wide array of choice in taste and perspective. Virtually a little something for everyone as well as a fuller acquaintance with the author and his work. The Pebble: Life, Love, Politics and Geezer Wisdom is comprised of those online posts gathered together in one collection. Here the reader will meet some colorful characters such as the Wendy’s breakfast club with the Sage of Johnson County, Clarence D., holding forth on the state of the world. Or some poignant memories of rural America and its inhabitants following World War II. There’s award-winning poetry like the tribute to a father titled “Rain” and short stories that garnered popular acclaim including the indelibly brutal “The Snow Field.” Current events are also addressed such as the Ferguson shooting, Nazi protests, the gay life and the decline of religiosity in America, but all treated from a fresh point of view often at variance with the popular mainstream. Of course, politicians are not to be overlooked here, a favorite target always for the satirical barb. And for the aspiring writer, a good bit of advice and wisdom is there for the taking along the way. Educational as well as entertaining, The Pebble: Life, Love, Politics and Geezer Wisdom is an excellent choice for the bedside table or the beach.

Hazel Hart’s Latest Novel: Cordelia’s Journey

Cordelia’s Journey

HH Cordella's Journey Cover small

Kindle EBook is On Sale Now!

Kansas Territory, 1855

In this coming-of-age story, thirteen-year-old Cordelia endures her stepfather’s abuse until she learns her ailing mother is pregnant again. Fearing her mother will die in childbirth, she runs away, heading for Westport and her aunt, the only person who might be able to save her mother. She disguises herself as a boy and sets out on foot to make the 150-mile trip. Following the Kansas River, she hitches rides with a variety of travelers going east, facing setbacks along the way while learning lessons about the world and her place in it.

Cordelia’s Journey is the first book in the Pierce Family Saga, a series of historical novels that follow Cordelia and her family through the latter half of the nineteenth century.

Hazel’s Blog:


Check Out this New Gripping Mystery!

Angel of Mercy

Angel of Mercy

By B J Myrick

On sale for $.99 through 11/27/15!

Wannabe writer Emma McClure doesn’t realize the trouble she has stirred up with her attention-seeking behavior until Connie, her daughter, announces she’s looking into retirement homes for Emma. Feeling betrayed, Emma packs a sports bag and “disappears like an erased pencil line.”

Her destination: California

Her goal: To spend the rest of her days sipping fuzzy navels with her cousin Emmett, a resident of Angelic Rest Haven.

But she barely gets her bags unpacked when a note slipped under her door threatens: Get out while you can, or you’ll be next.

Emma and Emmett investigate, and the list of suspects grows: First, there’s Suzy, the free-spirited invalid who keeps a notebook on ways to murder the elderly, claiming it’s only research for her latest novel. Then there’s Audra, owner of Angelic Rest Haven, and Mavella, the suspicious acting aide. Finally, there’s Joe Mead, the brooding, sinister undertaker who collects the dead in the middle of the night.

But, one by one, Emma’s suspects begin to die . . . .

Will she be next?

Check it out at:

New Release! Gotta Read Edna Bell-Pearson’s Charlie!

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00010]Charlene Winston hates her life.

When she was four years old her father, giving up hopes for a son, decided to make his youngest daughter his buddy, nicknamed her Charlie and began taking her along on hunting trips.

While other teenage girls are learning to apply makeup, dress attractively and flirt with boys Charlie, dressed in jeans, boots and a flannel shirt, is tromping fields, hunting pheasant, ducks, deer—whatever is in season.

Raped by her father’s hunting companion, Sam Gordon, she shoots him in the crotch, confiscates his pickup, and flees to Chicago where she finds a job in a gun club. With new friends, and a job she likes, she is happier than she has ever been in her life—except for a nagging fear of being discovered.

Carlo Penna, a former crime boss, and a regular patron of the club, takes a liking to Charlie. When Gordon tracks her down and tries to abduct her, Carlo intervenes. Taking her to his home, he treats her as if she were the daughter he hasn’t seen since he and his wife divorced.

He introduces her to Christina, a modeling agent under whose guidance Charlie blossoms into the beautiful young woman she was meant to be.

When she begins dating “Rod” who, unknown to her, is active in Mafia drug dealing and prostitution, Carlo has him called back to his Miami headquarters. Rod swears to get even. His vengeance leads to an explosive moment in which Charlie shoots two men who attempt to assassinate Carlo.

To protect Charlie, Carlo sends her to Paris. She enrolls in the Sorbonne and obtains a modeling agent.

In Paris, she finds success as a model and a fashion designer, and is courted by highly eligible men, including an English Earl, an Italian wine producer and a French professor.

Despite her success, Charlie feels that something is lacking and, as she searches for that elusive je ne sais quoi that will give meaning and purpose to her life, she learns that all is not going well back in Chicago.

Her former Mafia boyfriend’s persistent effort to infiltrate Carlo’s businesses threatens not only Carlo’s reputation, but his life as well. Deciding to eliminate the problem once and for all, Charlie flies to Miami intending to kill him; someone else beats her to it.

Once this threat is removed and the shooting incident case settled, Charlie returns to Chicago where she discovers the man of her dreams as well as answers that, until now, eluded her. They have been there all along.

StoryMasters In Print & Kindle EBook Is Now Available!

Now Available on Amazon!

StoryMasters POD Front Cover Black 9-2-2015 X

StoryMasters for novice to advanced novelists; It’s a labor of love of over a quarter century writing novels and teaching the craft.

StoryMasters—Advanced Notions in Novel Writing is a complete rethinking and remaking of the eighth edition of Novel Writing Made Simple, it’s the first major revision since Edition Seven in 2010.

This is one of the most comprehensive reference and resource books on novel writing available, with complex concepts broken down into the most basic of terms.

  • When was the last time you saw subtext discussed in a novel-writing book? It’s in StoryMasters!
  • What about free indirect discourse—have you ever seen that broken down and given in simple terms so that you understood it and could recognize how important FID is to your writing? It’s in the book!
  • Do you even know what psychic distance is? Just sayin’—z’in the book!
  • Need to research a writing concept for the next writers’ meeting? In the book!
  • Having trouble with point of view and need a refresher? It’s in the book!
  • Your characters seem too flat and unreal, and you want to know more about writing 3D characters that will leap off the page? The book is where you’ll find it!
  • Don’t know what direction your story is headed and need help with plotting? Got it right there in the book!
  • Bogged down or completely stuck halfway into your story and in search of a pathway out of the mucky middle (muddle)? Ditto!
  • Want to find out how to make a novel notebook like Storybinder that will keep all your story ideas in one place? Yep—ITB!
  • Want to brainstorm your story in order to develop it more and flesh it out? It’s in the book!
  • NaNoWriMo’s coming up—do you know what StoryStormer is and how it can help you write your story quickly? Check it out in the book!
  • Want to develop emotional subplots to help characterize but don’t know how? Af-firm-a-tive!
  • Want a bang-up opening without a bomb going off? Si-si!
  • Want a comprehensive lexicon of over 500 words to help you understand the craft and business of novel writing? Roger that!
  • Want to read over a hundred quips from bestselling writers and celebrities about writing and entertaining? Of course, it’s in the book!
  • What about Grandma’s recipe for her luscious apple pie—do you think it’s in the book? No, silly! You’ll have to ask Grandma for that … but if you need a clear and effective recipe for writing gripping suspense … you guessed it—it’s in … the … book!
  • What about writing dynamic dialogue, imagery, interactive setting, skillfully shifting tenses, shifting narrative mode and point of view, simple editing techniques, manuscript formatting, an overview of the traditional publishing business and how to query an agent? Uh-huh … need I say more?

Prepare to launch—StoryMasters: Writers, Hone Your Skills! Advanced Notions in Novel Writing. Thank you in advance for taking a look—I’m sure it will help!


Click here to: Go To STORYMASTERS EBook on Amazon!