Jazzy’s Blog: Ask Jazzy Brass

Will You PLEASE Be My Friend?

This is Jazzy Brass’s Blog. Please leave comments and Questions you’d like answered in a golden retriever’s point of view.

Thanks for the visit! 

11 responses to “Jazzy’s Blog: Ask Jazzy Brass

  1. Oh, my! Peppermint, hang in there. I know how these writer folks can be. It seems like their entire focus is on that little screen on their laptop. Don’t they know they there’s a whole wonderful world out there full of rabbits and squirrels to chase, flowers and poop to smell, grass and mud to snack on? I feel so sorry for you that you have to sneak around at 3 AM in the morning to blog to other canines.

    When you see your “current master” give her a smile and a tail wag to start off the morning, and maybe she’ll pay more attention to you. Also, I’ve heard that a bit of milk helps hyper dogs mellow out. I prefer ice cream!

    BTW, my master says he’ll be reading your book and I can too. He really enjoyed Devoted to Traveling!

  2. Dear Jazzy
    I’m looking for a friend. When I saw your blog, I was so doggoned glad that I decided to see if you wanted a new buddy. I’m a cat, so I don’t know if you’re interested or not, but I don’t want to be chased. That part scared me since you chase squirrels and rabbits. My owner spends way too much time working on her new mystery, Angel of Mercy, so I get ignored. You probably know her: B. J. Myrick.

    I tried to distract her by standing between her and her monitor, but she just started shutting me out of the room, so I’m very, very lonely, and I need a pal and I was just wondering if…well, uh…you know, are interested in being friends.

    Thanks for listening.
    A lonely feline, Maurice

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